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News – PR International

Currency update | February 2019

According to the National Post, analysts continue to predict gains for the loonie, with the median forecast in a Bloomberg survey showing it appreciating to 80 US cents by the end of next year from current levels around 76.90. “Good economic conditions in Canada are leading toward ongoing tightening by the Bank of Canada,” said…

Currency update | December 2018

The U.S. Dollar is entering its final innings as the dominant force in the global foreign exchange market for this cycle, according to forecasts from CIBC Capital Markets, and will soon cede ground to other developed world currencies. America’s greenback has swept the board to claim the mantle of best performer in the G10 space…

Currency update | October 2018

The increase in global risk, and looming trade wars appear to be good for the US Dollar which has strengthened year to date, especially against emerging market currencies. The U.S. Dollar continued its strong run against the Turkish Lira in September. A strong dollar puts pressure on export prices in the near term. In Turkey,…